I’m asking again – Please, Berners, do not enable Trump.

With Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate the Democrats are ready to roll. In the words of Dan Rather, “Biden/Harris – That’s the ticket.”

I wanted Bernie Sanders to be the nominee for president. Badly. But that ship has sailed, and Bernie has thrown his support to Biden. So has the progressive poster woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I’m following their leads.

Harris is a great choice. She doesn’t have the progressive bona fides I’d prefer, but she’s a fighter. I can’t wait to see her kick Mike Pence’s sorry ass in the vice presidential debate. And regardless of whether you agree with what she’s done in the past or what her positions are, she’s smart. Very smart. That’s what we need in the White House.

Yin Yang graphic by Snarky MaybeAs the IV Words Twitter profile picture says, “Do no harm. Take no shit.” I believe Harris is up to the task.

I hope, like me, other Bernie supporters show up to vote for “The Ticket.” Because, frankly, our republic needs us. And because if we don’t, Trump could win the election (assuming he and his enablers allow an election to take place at all).

I believe as deeply as I’ve ever believed anything in my life that a second Trump term will spell disaster for our democracy and, more importantly, for our planet. We simply cannot continue down the current path. As I wrote in a post a couple of weeks ago, “It’s no longer hyperbole to say we’re fighting for a viable future for all species, including homo sapiens.”

So I appeal to my fellow Berners.

Is this what we wanted? No. Is it what the nation desperately needs right now? I do not believe so, but it’s a step in the right direction. Is it infinitely more acceptable/desirable than the alternative? Absolutely.

Please show up. Please keep fighting for what progressives believe is crucial to our future. And please vote for Biden/Harris on November 3.

That’s The Ticket. It’s the best one we’ve got, the best and only chance to stop the Trump train wreck.

A while back I wrote that, while I am a Berner, I refuse to be a Trump enabler. That means voting for Biden/Harris rather than staying home or voting for some 3rd-party, not-a-chance-in-hell candidate as some sort of protest.

I share the post again today because the beliefs and feelings I expressed when I first published it on April 9 are even stronger now than they were then.

We’re all welcome to our opinions, right? So here are two of mine:

  • Getting rid of Trump is all that matters. For now.
  • Given the state of our republic, any vote that’s not for Biden/Harris might as well be a vote for Trump/Pence and further destruction of U.S. democracy.

Trump is a clear and present danger to the security, health and welfare of the United States of America and our citizens, not to mention the planet we all live on. He must go.

That’s all that matters. For now.


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Martin C. Fredricks IV

Martin C. “Red” Fredricks IV here. I’m husband to an amazing woman who is also my best friend, dad to three outstanding kids, Fargoan (North Dakota, that is), dedicated environmentalist & climate crisis warrior, proud introvert, veteran messaging strategist/copywriter, blogger (https://ivwords.com) nonprofit founder (https://theclimateknights.org/) and big-time reader. As they say, if you're gonna write good stuff, you have to read good stuff. A ginger, too - ergo the "Red" - although some of it's going white. Cinnamon-Sugar, I call it. Tattooed to boot; a dozen so far. At age 55, I'm stilling crankin' AC/DC & Metallica, but now and again I spin some Eric Church, Black Uhuru and Jaya & the Cat, too. I love hanging out with my (much) better half, spending time with our kids, writing, hiking, riding my mountain bike and reading.


bz · August 13, 2020 at 5:27 pm

Also, this isn’t the often talked about “voting for the lesser evil”, at all.
It’s voting AGAINST the hugely evil.
While Biden isn’t my first choice either, it’s the only choice that can unseat the prevaricator polluting OUR White House.
Vote like your life depends on it. Hummm… “our lives depend on it.”
Because it does.

    Martin C. Fredricks IV · August 16, 2020 at 8:58 am

    Couldn’t agree more.

Let me know what you think!

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